Dried persimmon
Persimmon is a tree originally native to China, has orange and delicious fruits with a beautiful taste and color of many fans.
Dried persimmons are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is not absorbed by the body alone and requires beta-carotene for absorption. The reason persimmon is orange is dry, beta-carotene in it. Beta-carotene, which is dry in persimmon properties, absorbs vitamin A. Dried persimmons meet more than half of your daily need for vitamin A. Adequate vitamin A in the body will lead to better night vision, sufficient moisture in the eye and improved vision.
To buy a dry persimmon online, you can enter the mahboob online store.
Properties of dried persimmon
Dried persimmon has many properties and a considerable amount of vitamins B6, A, C, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and dietary fiber are expressed in short and abbreviated.
Persimmon properties in the treatment of colds and flu
Considering that persimmon has antioxidant properties, it strengthens the immune system, which is why it is very useful in the treatment of colds and flu.
The effect of dried persimmon on heart health
The presence of antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol in this orange and savory fruit makes persimmon properties brilliant in helping heart health. For this reason, dried persimmon is one of the most beneficial nutrients for heart health and lowering high blood pressure.
Dry dates reduce stress and fatigue
Due to its sweetness, dried persimmon fruit can be used as a natural energy source, and its high sugar and potassium will help relieve fatigue and stress. This amazing fruit can reduce your stress and get rid of fatigue
To buy a dry persimmon online, you can enter the mahboob online store.
Dried dates and liver health
As mentioned earlier Persimmon has a lot of antioxidants, which cleanses the body's toxins, especially the liver, and greatly maintains liver health
Treatment of constipation with persimmon
Persimmon has water-soluble fiber and acts as a natural lag, and those with constipation problems can use persimmons.
Reduce inflammation by taking persimmons
Persimmon is an excellent source of strong antioxidant vitamin C. Vitamin C helps protect cells against damage caused by free radicals and fights inflammation in the body.
Buy dried persimmons
If you are looking for a quality, healthy product with a health apple badge, you can enter the mahboob online store to buy and safely prepare quality dried fruit with completely hygienic packaging.
We are proud to produce products that are unique in taste and quality and have a health apple badge in terms of health and hygiene.
Mahboob Shiraz, by maintaining all the principles of health and international standards, is better every day than yesterday and by offering unparalleled variety in the products produced, with the slogan of maintaining the health and value of customers' health, will take a long step towards a bright future.
Get quality dried strawberries here.