Dried mango
Mango is a warm fruit and the origin of mango is the peninsula of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Southeast Asia.In addition to being one of the most popular tropical fruits because of its delicious meat, mango is also known as a superfood and has many health benefits.The rich list of nutrients in this fruit makes it a food supplement. Mango is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our body needs to protect, grow and function properly. This tropical fruit is a very healthy and delicious snack fresh, but it can also be very nutritious if eaten dried.
Shiraz's Mahboob dried mango is an organic, healthy and hygienic product with the Apple Health label, which you can use as an energetic and useful snack.
To buy oranges in mahboob Shiraz and other dried fruits online, you can enter the mahboob shiraz online store
Mango is called one of the superfruits or energy bomb, and the reason for this name is the vitamins and useful properties that exist in mango. Dried mango has the same properties and characteristics as fresh mango and can be used as an energetic snack. Here we mention some important properties of mango.
Properties and characteristics of dried mango fruit
Dried mango is rich in vitamin A
Dried mango is a rich source of vitamin A, as you know vitamin A is very useful for eye health, skin and strengthening the immune system.
Vitamin A present in dried mango fruit can be used in the treatment of skin diseases and also prevent premature aging of the skin.
Dried mango fruit and soluble fiber
Mango, this super fruit and energy bomb contains soluble fibers that improve digestion and clean the digestive system. The fibers in dried mango reduce cholesterol and help to reduce body weight.
Dried mango is a source of antioxidants
Dried mango is a fruit that has antioxidant properties and fights diseases such as cancer, diabetes and premature aging and is effective in their treatment.
Benefits of dried mango in pregnancy
The folate in dried mango can be oxidized and converted into folic acid, and folic acid is an important nutritional supplement for pregnant women. Dried mango contains calcium and iron. Calcium in dried mango fruit is very essential for bone health during pregnancy. The iron in this dry fruit prevents anemia during menstruation.
Therefore, by consuming dried mango during pregnancy, women can benefit from the properties of dried mango during pregnancy, especially if it is the popular dried mango of Shiraz, which complies with all health precautions and is sent in special packaging. The emblem of Sib Salamat popular products of Shiraz is the emblem and proof of this claim.
Where to get quality and exported dried fruits at reasonable prices?
If you are looking for a quality, healthy product with a health apple badge, you can enter the mahboob online store to buy and safely prepare quality dried fruit with completely hygienic packaging.
We are proud to produce products that are unique in taste and quality and have a health apple badge in terms of health and hygiene.
Mahboob Shiraz, by maintaining all the principles of health and international standards, is better every day than yesterday and by offering unparalleled variety in the products produced, with the slogan of maintaining the health and value of customers' health, will take a long step towards a bright future.